Thursday, June 10, 2010

I feel so misunderstood

Sometimes it all seems a little pointless. I really have no idea if anybody out there really and I mean reeeeeeeally gets what I am talking about. My whole premise is to get people to think. Really think. Can anybody connect the dots? I'm not one to lay out a series of bread crumbs for the simple minded. I want you to think. Put the clues together. Think about what God see's when He looks down on humanity, which I might add is quite frequently. I think He see's a conundrum. (for the cerebral challenged segment of my audience a conundrum is a irreconcilable set of circumstances) On one side of creation He see's His creation that He had to sacrifice His own Son to keep every one of us out of hell. WOW!!! Can anybody say "highly valued"???? Let me play devil's advocate for a minute and say that on the other side of creation He see's a microscopic mammal that is HIGHLY egotistical, self serving, immersed in its own sense of infinite wisdom, a creation that has an infinite ability of cruelty towards its own species as well as the rest of creation, a sense of self righteousness that is played out in a perverse reality, an organism that is designed to be joined together on every level....from the physical to the spiritual, between each other as well as our creator. Does anyone besides me believe we are a little off track? I LOVE my creator but am highly biased against being identified with the group referred to as "christians". I've come to believe that the bunch of "forgiven" folks are the biggest bunch of trespassers I've ever met. Expressions such as "I did all I can, God will fix it" "I'm not perfect, just forgiven" Good God!!!! This is the most self absolving crap I have ever heard!!!!!! What ever happened to accountability? What ever happened to integrity? Did anybody ever read the storey of Joseph or Jacob???? Everything in this life exacts a price.....including your creator. He didn't just throw his son on the cross and then say "it's allllll gooood" How about Abraham?? Perhaps a little self sacrifice there?
I'm NOT picking on anybody in particular. I'm speaking to myself as well. Nobody really understands what sacrifice really is. "I fasted soda pop & coffee for a day" crap....... Did you know that if you ate (at all) today you are in the top 10% wealthy of the entire world??? Does anybody want to talk about integrity? Did you keep the extra 27 cents because the checker at brookshires can't count out change? Did you keep the pen handed to you to write out a check for your latest.....(fill in the blank) Did you allow someone to draw a "incomplete conclusion" because you didn't volunteer all the pertinent information? Did you not fill up the car with gas for your spouse because you "didn't notice" or you "forgot"??? My friend,
God saw you. Your conscience saw you. I saw you.....or should I say I saw me? Here's the deal. Integrity DOES NOT have a grading curve. Integrity DOES NOT have a percentage. Integrity IS NOT measured by what you did right...the last time.
Integrity is measured what you do in secret. It's what you did when nobody is looking, When nobody knows.................
If nobody knows does it really matter??? Ask David then get back to me.

Value what you have been given, care for it like fine crystal, treasure it like it's the last one in existence, be ready to give it away at a whisper from the Lord.

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