Wednesday, July 20, 2011

at the airport

Ben & I were on the way home from work and ended up taking the short cut thru the airport. On the way to the toll he asked me how much it was and I said $2. I reached into my pocket, got out my money and went back to paper work since Ben was driving. Leaving the toll both I asked him where the rest of my money was and he replied "rest of your money?" I said yeah, I put a pile on my lunch box so you could get $2. He said he figured I just put $2 up and that was it. No wonder the toll booth girl was smiling ear to ear. He did manage to get me my receipt for $2. Damn it.


  1. much did you pay?

  2. not really sure, somewhere between $2 and $60. Kinda thinkin it wasnt near the $2 judging by her smile
