Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pot calling the Kettle BLACK

My blessed Nancy in all her Saint-hood was on her way to Wal-Mart to pick up my blood pressure meds when in a moment of weakness I volunteered to go in with her. I guess I felt a little guilty about sending her in alone. Anyway, nobody can find my Rx. We are doing our designated part by standing in line preventing any other customers from receiving their Rx's while the clerk begins to implode in front of a now very interested and anxious crowd. She appeared to be warming up in the Christmas spirit as she was approaching critical mass at an excessively high rate of speed. Add in the 4 year old in the back of the grocery section screaming so loudly we can still hear him up front in the pharmacy and we have everything we need for a highly charged exchange. Breathe in......Breathe out......ouuussaaaaaaa Breathe in....... Breathe out...... Well it turns out that the pharmacy tech can neither read or write and had butchered my last name between copying it from my Rx to the label on the bottle. It was at this point the clerk leaned over the counter and uttered these words "She screws up Rx's all the time, You just cant fix stupid"
Dear God, help me. If she could of only heard all the voices screaming in my head.
Once again Wal-Mart never ceases to disappoint me.

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