Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tourist Attractions

Life can be soooo entertaining. Nancy & I were driving out to the farm yesterday to work with the horses and do some fence repair. I'm watching the road as we are on a twisty Farm to Market when Nancy says to me "Ohhh look at the monkey bars..... no no uhh I mean gorilla bars uhhh ohhh uhhh I mean those right there" I said "Baby, those are called Ape Hangers" vroom vroom!!!! I love my wife :-) She makes me smile.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I'd like to talk a little about Colorado con't

Good afternoon to everyone. Its a beautiful day in Texas with a high of 71 and sunny. I truly truly love sunny days. I store them up in my soul for when we have those 3-4 days of overcast weather. Keeps me alive till the sun returns. I really enjoyed that about Colorado. LOTS of sun, a little cool.............Ok, down right cold for my liking but survivable as the sun is high and bright.
I do need to address a little in house business today. For those who are not familiar with my dry sense of humor or my clever wit I feel I need to clarify. At first glance my blogs might simply appear to be a tad on the angry side.
I AM NOT AN ANGRY PERSON!!!!............LOL That was funny! I don't care who you are................I'm still laughing. Anyway, the items I discuss are important to today's society. Where we are is highly indicative of where we are going and at a rapid rate I might add. I have been accused of being highly cynical before and it prolly is apparent in my writings but be informed that my wife helps keep me centered with a dose of healthy skepticism. My point is this. I will continue to address items that are important to all of us as Americans, sometimes with satire, sometimes with cynicism, sometimes with just a little dry humor and sometimes just straight up. Keep in mind that my views are a can I say it...........Previously established by an earlier standard greater than myself.
There will always be compassion in my heart for those who's desire is to rise to the next level, for those who's passion is to be a better person, for the one whose response is mercy. Mercy for the one who failed, NOT THE INDIVIDUAL WHO GAVE UP!!!
For those who give up on themselves, who give up on life because its "not fair" I would recommend leaving them behind. Screw this mentality that "the government has to take care of me" cause I don't wanna do it myself. I cant....I caaannt. whatever.
Find out where you came from. Whose image your made in then act the part. Grab life by the throat and make it behave. No more of this crap about "I cant get a break" "Everybody is mean to me" YOU have the power to change your life with out Sam doing it for you ( I can't even say Uncle Sam anymore) and continuing to sacrifice your liberties. Did anybody see the Matrix? We are headed in this virtual direction Kneel before the one who has power over your soul and deify the one who says "you will be equal with all others and I will rule over you"

I met bryony when she was 24 in Park City, Utah. She is a exciting young woman with an unparalleled zest for life. When she was 19 she decided moving from England to Costa Rica and living in a tent on the beach for a year was a good idea, so she did it. WOW, talk about courage. Anyway we connected right away. I saw great gifts in her deposited by her creator that were at this point untapped. At the same time I was connected with a pastor here in Texas who was teaching some college level classes that would benefit her in her journey. Bryony came to Texas on 3 different occasions for the classes and has absolutely exploded with the call on her life. Fast forward. Bryony met Logan Oct, 2008 and they were a perfect fit. Fast forward again. Nancy and I attended the reception dinner for B&L. I was totally amazed at the woman I saw. She had climbed on top of LIFE itself and ridden the wave. All the classes she had taken she put to work and this literally uncorked what she is so passionate about. What and who she is called to be!!! She and Logan each spoke about every person there in front of everybody there. They talked about how each person there had influenced them over the years in becoming who they are today. People the had known 10 years, 15, 20 & 25 years. Amazing things. Then she got to me. Ive known her for 4 years. Bryony began to tell about the value of the the gift I gave her and how it changed the direction of her life. Im stopping here about the me stuff because that's not my point. My point is this. A single self-less act can completely change the direction of somebody's life when they walk thru life NOT with their hand out but earnestly seeking the direction they were predestined to walk. I gave Bryony a gift she never asked for. She had earned it by way of integrity of character. She paid it forward!!! No entitlement attitude here. Simply a girl who believes that the world owes her nothing and will sacrifice the pleasure of right now to inherit the kingdom tomorrow........................
Next entry will be the wrap up on Colorado. Rest assured that there will be plenty to discuss regarding our new highly esteemed monarch. Wake up Homeland security!!! It will be worth the read!!! We might even touch on Sara Palin and the NRA and what they mean to you.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'd like to talk a little about Colorado

I really really would like to talk about our trip to Colorado and I will eventually but first I am compelled to discuss the newest piece of legislation forced, jammed, and coerced thru our congress. I literally get sick to my stomach every time I think about it. I am not against health care. I am not against wellness care. I am not against capitalism. I am heavily against welfare and the destruction of a individuals ability to build wealth. I am against my government forcing me to be the same as everyone else. I am against the government telling me I will purchase insurance from their designated provider hence defraying the cost of insurance for some CrackHeadCigaretteSmokingAlcoholic who is gonna die at the ripe old age of 42.
I am soooo against a government that insist I have such a over abundance of wealth that I can afford to provide insurance for employees who havent developed a skill set strong enough to enable them to earn enough money to purchase insurance. As a small business owner I have a vested interest in all this. I know that some of my readers are Small Biz owners yourselves. The biggest part of this deal nobody seems to notice. THIS VIOLATES YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!! The federal government controls our banking industry. The federal government controls the automotive industry. The federal government now controls the health care industry. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMERICA!!!! These are 3 essentials to our freedom that have been removed from you by your leaders!!!! These are now all things that the government can & will take away from you!!! Hello USSR !!!! Were here folks. By the Feds now dictating when you will purchase, how much you will pay, & who you will purchase insurance from & for they have now set a NEW STANDARD. This will be used against in courts the same way as "the rule of law" is referenced in other law suits. You are no longer a free citizen of the United States. From this point forward you will be considered a subject of the United States Socialist Republic. Welcome to the "cast" system.
I no longer have any incentive to lose weight, be drug free, avoid HIV, be emotionally healthy, encourage my wife & family to live a healthy moral life. BIG BROTHER is gonna take care of me. I believe him. I know its true. I saw it on TV>

We bugged out thursday the 18th and logged a solid 15ish hours to get to Parker, CO.
Damn it was cold. We beat the incoming snowblizzard-a-thon by a couple hours. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate being cold??? Its right there with how much I hate WalMart. I digress. We drove hw287 all the way to Raton,NM. GreatGoogoolyMoogooly thats a long uneventful ride.......yawn. Right turn in Raton and the excitement begins. Up, up, and some more up. The mountains kept coming, beautiful mountains. Snow capped mountains and 60 degrees down at the base. Very cool stuff. Did you know the speed limit is 75 mph out there? People really know how to open it up out there..........mental note, must purchase a new camaro.....Anyway we made it as far as Trinidad before the hunger pains became unbearable. Enter "Nana & Nano's" italian restaurant. Oh my gosh!!! Hand made beef ravioli in marinara sauce!!! Mmmmmmm!!! We highly recommend this place but they are only open wed-sat. On to Parker. BTW, My lovely wife and I took about 800ish pictures of our trip (many of which thru the winshield) and will be posting them on google picassa for you viewing pleasure. It will be a private album so please send me a email requesting a link and I will reply.
(the internet is and will be one of the final freedoms removed from us, cencorship will be for our own good, just like health insurance) I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as we did taking them. Does anybody wanna hear my thoughts on the NRA???
I should mention that the entire purpose of our trip was to attend a wedding. My friend from England, Bryony Raiswell who is living in CO and near and dear to my heart requested our presence. Anywho..............jeepers, I just realized the time. Gotta go for the night. Next post will be a more intensive look at our trip intermixed with some current events, social obscurities, and possibly more on my mail carrier. I dont even know his name. LOL Thats sooooooooo funny cause he doesnt know mine either!!!! LOL

Saturday, March 20, 2010

United States Socialist Republic

Did anybody read this on the news?? This made blood shoot out my eyes!!!

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, N.J. — The authorities in southern New Jersey said Saturday that they had arrested a 16-year-old boy for activating a public-address system at a Wal-Mart store earlier in the week and ordering “all black people” to leave.

The boy, whose name was not released because he is a minor, was charged with bias and intimidation and harassment in connection with the episode last Sunday. If convicted, he could face up to a year in a juvenile detention center, officials said.

Now I do want to go on record that I do NOT condone the activities of this individual as they are way out of line in our soooo politically correct world but did anybody catch what he was charged with? Bias, Intimidation & Harassment.
Have you ever heard of something so subjective in your life?? We have reached the status of a true socialist republic. There, now I have said it. Home land security will undoubtedly be auditing my blog, phone, emails & movie rentals but this only proves my point. How do you defend yourself in a court of law if you are accused of being biased?? Since when did being biased become a crime anyway? I heard Bill Gates harbors some bias against Apple. Any arrest warrants being issued there??
How did this individual get past the famed Wal Mart greeter in the first place? Arent there protocols in place to prevent such an occurence? I really cant think of any other outfit more deserving of an incidence like this than Wal Mart.
Do you like the vegetable nazi going thru your bags in the parking lot because the checker forgot to de-energize the security device in that bag of uuhhhhhh errrrr femine products??? Lets remember that Wal Mart is the very same company that FIRED EVERY EMPLOYEE and closed a store in Canada because the employee's wanted to form a union. Perhaps working at WM isnt as good as the WM police say it is.
Lets recap
1. Vegetable Police
2. Checkers that forget
3. Democracy going the way of the dinosaur
I am just stunned at the charges leveled against this man. How about trespassing? How about a genuine ass whipping from his dad?
That seems to be the only legitimate charge here but not in the new USSR.
These are your tax dollars at work America, funding a bunch of leftist 80%ers.
How does it feel?

Friday, March 19, 2010

re-addressing mediocrity from Colorado

There are several things I would like to address today. My endeavor is not to leave on a sour note but to have imparted a bit of inspiration to all who desire to go to the next level in life. Up your game..............I promise this is not the the last time you will hear that and there will be a quiz later. Listen up.
I'm in the dining room listening to Nancy speak with another stellar state employee by the name of Mike Watson. This is the man who is responsible for all the 911 addressing in Hill county. Her question to him was as follows: "I would like to verify the address of our farm as we are about to have a drive way installed and start building" I should mention that the only message on this guys voice mail at his office with the county was "leave a message" then the beep. Anyhow Mike calls her back and says to her that our address is 1289 not 1293.........He goes thru his explanation of how he figured that out and thats the deal. Well being the inquisitive young man I am I just had to ask. Ask what? you say? Well since we own the entire last block exiting Hill county ie:addressing beginning @ 1200-13???? I asked Nancy to ask the question. Here it is, Since we own all this street frontage AND all the deeds filed with the county, all the applications for utilities, all the mail is sent to, all the contracts regarding this say 1293, why cant we just keep this address? Mikes response was this and I quote. "Hmmm, That would be a lot easier, wouldnt it?"
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to believe leadership rose to the top.
I now believe that 80 percenters float to the top like an old turd forcing all of the leaders of tomorrow out of the way. We need to fight the 80 percenters that are over running our country!!! How you ask? UP YOUR GAME!!! When asked to walk a mile with someone grab their hand and show them a marathon!!! Show humanity that there is a higher level to apsire to. We can do this. Be a 100 percenter!!! Set the bar HIGH!! Upon doing this you will also find that other 100 percenters will be attracted to you. In business and on a personal level. People of excellence. The losers will fall away like chaff in the wind freeing you to be the person God created you to be, to be someone you never dreamed possible.
I implore you. Set the bar high enough so that it is hard work for you to meet your own standards. This will make you a better person and cause others who are dissatisfied with their mediocre existence to aspire to rise to the top.
Next entry we will be examining the life of my mail carrier, yes the mail carrier who insists that I cange my name to one of 3 choices, Mr. Compressor World, John Swindle or Raymond Gonzales....good grief.....and there is always the that other question looming in the background....who's getting my mail?

Robert W. Hardter

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A little about me....and what concerns me

This is about me. I realize that might sound a little narcissistic but its not. This blog is about me but its for YOU. Life has a way of unfolding in front of you in many many ways that you didnt see coming. Having rounded the globe a mere 50ish times but accumulating the mileage of a centarian it is my privilege as well as my obligation to "share" if you will with my...................................entourage. I have always viewed life slightly to the left of most of humanity. Things that pass for adequate with the populus do NOT make it with me. Self imposed standards. Upping my game. Staying out of the stirred pot called mediocrity that sooooo many of todays self percieved up and comers would really find themselves a part of if having taken a 15 minute personal inventory. I submit to you the famed "Wal-Mart greeter"
this proves my point. We will revisit this item along with America's 80%ers, the IRS and my mail carrier's inadequacy. Over 2 years at this address and I still havent changed my name to Compressor World to accomodate him. God help me. More on all this later as time permits. Before I go I would like to thank you for reading my blog and indulging me for 3 months. This will allow you a fuller understanding of where I am going with this (since all of humanity will eventually follow) and hopefully a deeper appreciation of where I've been. The latter dictating the former.