Friday, May 28, 2010

my realtor

She told me she was the one for the job. She said "I can get it done" She is the player at Century 21 that sends me work all year long. She totally jacked up my MLS on She can't count bathrooms. I have 4 1/2 bath's not 3 1/2. She said that she always thinks the two bathrooms off the master are just one bath. Let me ask you a question, When was the last time you saw 2 crappers in the same bathroom outside of walmart? She took a picture of a tree and put it on the web. Yes it was a tree in my yard but a picture of a tree? She can't read a tape measure either. She listed my living room as 10X14 when its really 20X50!!! A difference of a mere 860 square feet. Equally as many errors from room to room. Maybe she should be a door greeter at walmart.....I think she is related to my mail carrier.

1 comment:

  1. I think she might be related to someone in the White House too......LOL!!!!!
