Friday, June 11, 2010

No more soup...I mean peanuts for you!!!!

I'm listening to the local talk radio station today......yes I know that makes me old but it's true, I listen to talk radio. Dave Ramsey is a prince among men. I digress. The news comes on and I hear it. I had to do a double take as it was so ludicrous. I've always heard that poo runs down hill and the trickle down effect can never be stopped, only slowed. The news caster announced that legislation has been introduced to BAN PEANUTS FROM ALL FLIGHTS because some airline patrons have exhibited allergic reactions to said peanuts. Welcome back to the United Soviet State of America comrade. Please have all orfices available for a cavity exam should Usam desire a more thorough look into your private past. Yes my friends, the peanut is about to go the way of the dinosaur. Our esteemed leader has decided to absorb our automotive industry, our communications industry, the HEALTH insurance industry by deciding for YOU that SAM will be the preferred vendor to sell health insurance and YOU WILL purchase insurance from SAM and SAM alone at HIS predetermined price. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo now here we are, All of us are to be forbidden to consume the nut on a airplane because a select few can't keep from putting objects in their mouths that aren't good for them. I am so a fan of socialism. This is really working out for me. The same news cast played an excerpt from the head of the Texas Workforce Commission asking him about the multi million dollar short fall in UNemployment benefits and what he was going to do about it. With much ambivalence he stated that they would simply raise the percentage taxed on small business's to meet the shortfall. I guess just NOT paying the UNEMPLOYABLE for the privilege of staying home to watch Oprah never occurred to him. I'm gonna have to get a night job delivering pizzas to support the taxes on my day job.


PS For those in Homeland Security who are tuned in to this broadcast you should probally know that I intend to join the NRA in a national effort to undermine the KGB/IRS

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