Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's a Conspiricy!!!!!

I'm telling you its a conspiricy!! Nobody in this town knows what's going on anymore. I've never met a group of people so directionally challenged. It's a just soooo soooo....... it's a mind bogglin thing. Nancy and I are settled in for a quiet Sunday afternoon and there is a knock at the door. Naturally the dogs go nuts so Nancy stepped outside to find a girl, a boy, and a box of groceries. The long and the short of it is that they are here from Brookshires, our local food distribution center intent on a home delivery with my groceries. Since the "Brookshires" logo explained away the "who" Nancy asked the "what & why". "The handi-capped man who lives at 301.....blah blah blah ordered these and we are delivering them responded the glowing young staff at the successful completion of their mission. With the appropriate questions asked and accompanied by my wife"s stunning good looks the delivery staff began to realize that perhaps....just perhaps she is not a handi-capped man and they were at the incorrect location. Just like all the mail in this town. Do you suppose the Brookshires staff could be related to my mail carrier?

PS The "stunning wife" previously referred to in this blog has proofed and approved this message.

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