Monday, June 14, 2010

To the Peanut Nazi's

Today, June 14th of 2010 I did something I should have done years ago. I have talked about it over and over but today I put my money where my mouth is. I joined the NRA. I feel good about my new affiliation. Homeland Security are you listening??
I've never been one for bumper stickers but today is a day of change and I think I will have to revisit that decision of years ago. Never say never, right? Does anybody out there feel as stongly as I do about the way our freedoms are being stripped away? I belive that people are really desensitized to the ripping away of our freedoms. Just a little at a time. Like being TOLD that YOU WILL buy health insurance because its good for the masses. Do you realize that your "factored" rates will be to cover you as a healthy non smoker as well as the HIV crackhead unwed-mother?? Hardly seems fair if "fair" were a real word. Back to the NRA. This is a group that is portrayed as a bunch of extremist but if anybody were to take a realistic view of American history they will realize they are simply protecting freedoms guaranteed by our founding fathers. A time is coming when we will live in a state like our neighbor Mexico where the only individuals owning a fire arm are the criminals. At this juncture I must say that for most of my life I have been quite apathetic about what Usam's dictates have been but at nearly 50 I (a)have realized the value of a voice crying in the wilderness and (b)am genuinely concerned about the world I am leaving for my children since they have no sense of alarm regarding the signs of the times. Next entry will be a look at the lighter side of life cause that's important too.

If anybody out there has an opinion on the principles I have shared please take time to share them. Time is short. The new USSR is speedily cascading towards an irreversible and premature demise.

Next perhaps a look into "Life according to Shiner" (my dog, not the beer)

1 comment:

  1. Like I said before, you are not alone:)
    We always think we are the only ones out here that share your opinion, then we run into LOTS of people that feel the same and are so relieved, as there are alot of crazed sheepoles out there that you really scratch your head and ask, what the heck are they thinking and are they?! The signs are right in front of our faces, it's not hidden rocket science. Are people that complaciant and so full of apathy and wrapped up in their own little worlds, that they don't see what is happening??? It boogles our minds! So, do not fret....You are not alone :)
    And a BIG CONGRATS on your new membership. The NRA stands for the ideals and morals of what America was founded on.
